I am a sinner saved by the grace of God through the blood of Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life I should have lived and died the death I should have died.
By His grace, I serve as a helpmate to my godly husband.
We seek to reflect Christ's relationship to His bride, the Church, through our marriage.
By His grace, we attempt to mirror the Father as we train nine precious blessings to fear the Lord and walk in His ways. We choose to home educate so that we will have more time for this training.
Our goal is to live in light of Gospel truth, loving God and others, serving and ministering to the Church, and proclaiming the Good News of Christ through our words and actions.
I love to grow in the knowledge of my Savior and seek to read books that will help me to that end.
My goal is to apply the things that I am learning by the strength that God supplies.
I love to grow in the knowledge of my Savior and seek to read books that will help me to that end.
My goal is to apply the things that I am learning by the strength that God supplies.