
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Seeking His Glory

As I continue to consider a Biblical philosophy of education and curriculum possibilities, God is faithful to draw me to resources that seek to honor Him in all things. Last month, I was reviewing material for history. Since I don't often post what I'm thinking about, I'll have to play catch up to inform you about the finds in that subject.

Presently, however, I have been considering math curricula. About two years ago, God led me to Christ-centered Curriculum. It has been the most Biblical math curriculum that I have seen. It does require a lot of one on one with the child learning the material, however, it is scripted, so this responsibility could be delegated (especially any drill work). I have been unimpressed with much of the material on the market. Though there is a lot of material, there is little that is truly Biblical. There are many that tack a Scripture verse here or there, but there is little more that sets them apart from what the world has to offer. Some would argue that it doesn't really matter; math is math. I disagree. Math is so much more. Finally, God placed a resource in my path that confirms my thoughts in this matter:

Christian Perspective

At this site, you will find samples of Beyond Numbers, a short but helpful book on keeping a Biblical perspective while teaching mathematics. The author, Katherine Loop (a homeschool graduate), quotes Mathematics: Is God Silent? by James Nickel, a number of times. Nickel's book also looks like a worthwhile read though I haven't gotten the chance to review it yet.

At seventy-five pages,Beyond Numbers is a book that most people should be able to get through in just a couple of sittings. It is an easy read; I've even read parts of it to my five-year-old daughter. There are a lot of good reasons to read this book. If you have a hard time keeping God at the focus of your math studies (or other studies as a lot of the principles are the same), this book is a good book to read and review on a regular basis.

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