The Doctrine of Sin: Handle with Care @ C.J.'s View from the Cheap Seats - "So which are you more aware of: the pervasiveness of sin, or the power of grace?...It requires little skill merely to expose sin. But it takes great skill to unveil grace and apply it to the wide variety of spiritual conditions represented in our churches."
Al Mohler on Reading: "We can make a virtue out of reading that can be an end in itself. Reading is not an end in itself; growth in godliness is the end and being conformed to the image of Christ. That's going to happen by Scriptures, and that's going to happen by the teaching and preaching of the Word of God, and it's going to happen by reading. And so reading is not "the thing." It's not the end in itself. It is the way God has chosen to help His people grow, and it has been that way from the beginning...We realize we're not going to grow if we're not reading and studying and that means sitting in the chair and getting it done. But quite honestly, it's appetitive; the more you do it, the more you love it."
The ART of Homeschooling @ Home Educating Family - Looks like a promising series of posts. Attitude, Relationships, and Training. Get them in the right order or you'll end up with TAR or RATS. ;)
Christian Literature for Kids 0-8 @ Passionate Homemaking - Lindsay is highlighting some great books worth reading your children. My favorite on the list is probably Big Truths for Little Kids by Susan Hunt.
I saw that Al Mohler video earlier this week and loved it!
Have a great week ahead.
That is a very powerful first quote.
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