In Part 1 of my review, I wrote:
Jeune presents each theologian in an unbiased, factual manner without much
additional commentary. He also notes if an individual's particular ministry
and/or doctrine was controversial. At first, I was a bit perplexed by some of
the characters highlighted in certain "teams". Perhaps I was most
puzzled by the "Contemporary teams". It appeared to me that the 26
important figures highlighted in this "team" had the tendency to come
from a critical, liberal theological background. Furthermore, contemporary
theologians from the Reformed camp, among others, were not mentioned. Men of
great influence in our lifetime, such as: John Piper, R.C. Sproul, J.I. Packer,
John Macarthur, D.A. Carson, Wayne Grudem, Sinclair Ferguson, G.K.
Beale, and the like are not included. Instead, Jeune highlights: Rudolf Bultmann, James Cone, John Dominic Crossan,
Martin Dibelius, James Dunn, Gustavo Gutierrez, Adolf von
Harnack, Rosemary Radford Ruether, and others. The only
two women mentioned are both staunch feminists. (It should be noted that Herman
Bavinck, Abraham Kuyper, F. F. Bruce, A. A. Hodge, Charles Hodge, John Gresham
Machen, and B. B. Warfield are included in other categories.)"
Finally, I noted that I had the privilege
of dialoging with the author regarding the theologians that he chose to feature
on the Contemporary teams. In this part of my review I share some of what transpired in an informal Q and A with
Norman Jeune III.
How did you decide
which theologians were influential for the Contemporary time period? What
guided your decision-making process?
"Your question about the contemporary teams is a good one, and these cards are one of the things that make this set particularly unique. I will say first that the choice was not really related to doctrinal "camps", or my own doctrinal positions. I was actually trained in a conservative environment. I attend Biola University and Talbot School of Theology here in Southern California, which has its roots in evangelicalism and was one of the places where the fundamentalist movement was birthed at the turn of the century. Biola today remains a conservative and place and I hold those same commitments. For me, this was really about creating a tool that facilitated a first exposure to a wider group of people. In seminary you hear many of these names characterized in passing but never really get a first hand taste of what they're all about. I am by nature a curious person, so I wanted to learn about many of these folks. Consequently, when it came ot creating this set, which I first thought of while in seminary, part of my "wish list" if you will, was to provide a very brief introduction to many of these people. The second criteria, which was a bit more formal, was to choose people who are recognized on the world stage. This is not to minimize the importance of some versus others, but merely a recognition that some theologians are influential within their own groups, while others have achieved some recognition across doctrinal "camps"/denominations/etc., whether that be positive recognition or negative. Their are certainly many more people that could have been included but I was asked not to exceed 300 figures by the publisher when I began building the set, and had to immediately remove about 100 theologians."
Later, Jeune offered an explanation concerning how he went about
naming the Contemporary Teams. Here is what he wrote:
"Naming the teams was one of my favorite parts of this project. The modern theologians were actually the most challenging to name. Most of the modern theologians can be found in one of two teams, with a few exceptions throughout the deck. Modern theology is obviously quite eclectic and varied, so any notion that modern theologians can be gathered into two distinct "teams" or groups should be immediately subject to question. Nevertheless, we needed some loose grid as a means of categorizing these figures to carry the baseball card pun.The two contemporary teams or groups are the Berlin Aggiornamentos and the Jerusalem Resourcers. The underlying (very loose) references are to the terms Aggiornamento and Ressourcement, terms usually understood within the context of 20th century Roman Catholic theology and Vatican II. While these teams are not composed of exclusively of Catholic theologians nor do they make reference to Vatican II, you might think of them (again, very loosely) as comprised of those who are more forward thinking/progressive (Aggiornamentos) and some who might tend more exclusively toward traditional constructs (Resourcers). One of the faculty members from the Torrey Honors Institute actually suggested the use of these terms for a word play. Overall, stretching a playful pun like baseball cards to fit the contours of church history was challenging, and while I think the team concept actually enhances the learning experience, a bit of grace must be given for these two teams, remembering the playfulness of having teams is less than perfect. As I created these teams I kept feeling like no matter how I organized this varied bunch of modern figures, some would other ways of organizing them more satisfying."
more information about the process of developing the cards, read Scot McKnight's interview with Norman Jeune III.
I found Mr. Jeune's responses helpful. Personally, I will probably put aside the "Contemporary teams" and some others until my children are older as they don't need to know about "form criticism" just yet. However, many of the cards will be relevant, and a helpful addition to, our studies. I'm looking forward to trying some of Shaun's game suggestions.
If you'd like to invest in these cards yourself, they will be available for purchase around November 20th, just in time to make a great Christmas gift for the church history "student" in your family. has them available for pre-order at the time of this posting.
*Many thanks to Norman Jeune III for sharing his cards with me in exchange for my honest opinion and for taking the time to answer my questions!! I, for one, appreciate the time and thoughtfulness that he has invested into their development. I'm sure many will be blessed by his labor.
*Many thanks to Norman Jeune III for sharing his cards with me in exchange for my honest opinion and for taking the time to answer my questions!! I, for one, appreciate the time and thoughtfulness that he has invested into their development. I'm sure many will be blessed by his labor.
1 comment:
Thanks so much for taking the time to thoughtfully review this creation of mine. I have really hoped from the beginning that this set of cards would serve as a tool to equip Christians to know more about the positive and negative aspects of church history amd theology. Afterall, knowing both the high and low points of church history and theology allows us to identify those same things in our present day.
As a father blessed with three beautiful children of my own, I can only pray that God will use this tool to strengthen and equip other families!
Thank you so much Mrs. Hankins!
Norman Jeune III
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