
Friday, May 17, 2013

Book Review: Words About God

Having six children, ten and under, I love books that we can all enjoy together. Words About God to help you worship Him by Nicholas Choy is one such gem. It has been designed to serve children ages 3 to 11, however, even my infant delights in the fun rhymes and vibrant colors on each page.

Words About GodWhat's particularly fantastic about Words About God is that this book, which is just the right size for little hands (and printed on sturdy paper, to boot!), communicates big truths through memorable word pictures; truths that, often, many "grown-ups" have a difficult time fully comprehending. Some of my favorite children’s books make difficult Biblical concepts accessible to my young children while introducing me to something new; Words About God successfully accomplishes this.

Take, for example, the word “Aseity”:

"Ants are not elephants, and nights are not days. But God differs from us in even more ways!...Aseity is the independence of God from the things He created."
 While I was familiar with this truth, Words About God introduced me to a new vocabulary word and provided me with a playful picture (an ant sitting on an elephant's trunk ;) to better understand and retain that truth. I trust it will do the same for my children and many others who will be blessed to encounter this book.

As partially illustrated above, each page of Words About God begins with a word describing God and a short, simple rhyme, followed by a one to two paragraph explanation for readers with longer attention spans, some Scripture references, and related words to explore. (Although it was sometimes a little tricky finding these related words without an index, table of contents, or page numbers.)

Most importantly, the Good News of what God has done for sinners through Christ is the constant refrain in Words About God. Again and again we see that God is different from us (holy, just, etc.), that we fall short of His holy standard, and that we need a Savior which He has graciously provided for all who believe in Him.

Words About God highlights the many aspects of God’s magnificent character that we might all sing praise to His glorious name. One such characteristic is “Faithful”. Of it, Choy writes:
"We may think that the Bible was written to tell us how to be faithful to God. But really, the main story is how God is faithful to us. The God that made promises of blessing to Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David is the same God that sent His Son to fulfill that blessing, and the same God who offers new life to you today."
I never tire of recounting God’s faithfulness, for I am unfaithful, and a faithful God is my only hope. May the God who is faithful from generation to generation, be praised as people explore the depths of His infinite character, perfectly displayed in Christ. Choy gives us another awe-inspiring word picture:
"Imagine that an elephant wanted to become friends with ants and shrunk himself so that the ants could see him. When Jesus came to earth He became like us by giving up His godly glory. He took on a human body (incarnate means "in the flesh") so that He could walk with us and teach us about the invisible things of God."
 All of my kids, from infancy to age 10, thoroughly enjoyed Words About God, as did I. The rhymes, word pictures, and solid, Biblical truth make it a pleasure to read to the kids again and again without getting bored. I highly recommend it!

Many thanks to Christian Focus Publications for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion!!

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