
Friday, June 30, 2017

Book Review: Pray About Everything

"If a man walks with God for 100 years, he remains a pupil in the school of prayer" (pg. 39).

In Pray About EverythingPaul Tautges shares with his readers seven brief meditations that are faithful, Biblical expositions of various passages of Scripture. Originally shared with his church as they began prayer meetings, these messages can be read relatively quickly. Although topics are not treated exhaustively and may leave the reader with some unanswered questions, they are thought-provoking and would serve as a good starting points and/or discussion starters.

Mr. Tautges rightly recognizes that the God of the Bible isn't a cosmic candy dispenser. Nor is he a giant genie who jettisoned his magic lamp. For the one, true, living God to answer our prayers, we must come to Him on His terms. We would do well to ask, "What are these terms?" and "What makes prayer effective?"  These are just some of the questions that Paul Tautges addresses in his book, Pray About Everything.

While there are already a number of published books on prayer, Pray About Everything sets itself apart by placing a more significant emphasis on the importance of congregational prayer than other books on the subject, many of which, while very good, tend to focus on the private, personal discipline of prayer. Although this book is intended for the average Christian reader, numerous appendices are provided for those who lead prayer nights, small group studies, etc. Pray About Everything is a Gospel-centered, biblical book that will aid the reader in praying according to God's will as revealed in Scripture. These are the kinds of prayers that God promises to answer.

This book can be purchased from many retailers including:

*Many thanks to Cross Focused Reviews and Shepherd Press for sending me a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion!

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