
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Book Glance: Counseling One Another

Counseling One Another
While Counseling One Another is a solid book, it seemed very narrow in its scope and was not quite what I was expecting. Virtually the entire work focuses on helping others overcome sin and grow in godliness. No doubt, these are much needed, and the book has good to contribute in those areas. However, people seek counseling for many different reasons, not merely because they are struggling with sin. Much counseling is sought as people attempt to cope with the effects of living in a broken world, suffering, and being sinned against. People seek comfort, encouragement, and wisdom. Counseling One Another did not address these or other aspects of counseling.

That being said, Counseling One Another is a helpful resource for those wishing to assist others as they seek to overcome indwelling sin, and the book does have useful components. It is centered on the Good News of what Jesus has done and is faithful to Scripture. Perhaps one of my personal favorite aspects were the "further thought and small-group discussion questions" at the close of each chapter. It's a good book for a seasoned believer who wants to explore this particular subject in-depth.

Many thanks to Cross Focused Reviews and Shepherd Press for a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion!

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